SoccerKids Summer Make-up Schedule
If you miss a class for personal reasons, only classes that weren’t listed as full are eligible for a make-up.
The classes listed below are eligible for you to attend for a make-up:
Make-up Options for 2.5 and 3’s
Fridays at Stagecoach Park in Carlsbad -- Coach Jaime (Fridays for 2.5 and 3's (9:25 - 9:55am) Adult Participation Class)
Make-up Options for 3.5 and 4’s
Thursdays PM at Stagecoach Park in Carlsbad -- Coach Jaime (Thursdays for 3.5 and 4's (4:30 - 5:05pm))
Make-up Options for 4’s and 5’s
Thursdays AM at Aviara Park in Carlsbad -- Coach Jaime (Thursdays for 4's and 5's (10:00 - 10:40am)) Tuesdays at Village Green in Del Sur -- Coach Jaime (Tuesdays for 4's and 5's (10:25 - 11:05am))
Make-up Options for 5’s and 6’s
Fridays at Stagecoach Park in Carlsbad -- Coach Jaime (Fridays for 5's and 6's (2:55 - 3:40pm))